Announced right over here, The American eLiquid Manufacturing Standards Association (AEMSA) and the Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) Announce the Formation of the North American Vapor Alliance (NAVA) which I have to say, is a definite upgrade on both initialisms. What's this mean for eLiquid vendors and consumers? We'll be getting an upgraded advocacy and lobbying group, and ideally they'll work on behalf of every vaper to make strong and sensible regulation for the entire industry.
According to Scott Eley from AEMSA; "The key is to get the regulation right so that electronic vapor products meet mandatory professional manufacturing and retail standards, so innovation for new products is incentivized, and to ensure that these products are regulated to promote tobacco harm reduction and are not categorized as tobacco product" all of which sounds great for producers and connoisseurs of eLiquids across the board!
Fortunately for those of you vapers in Canada they have already regulated eLiquids as a separate from tobacco category, which is quite essential in this whole process of safe and sensible regulation. According to the article the AEMSA has already drafted a new proposal for the FDA to follow our northern border brothers. There's a bright future ahead folks, as long as we stay ahead of the government and self-regulate, which in this humble writers opinion shouldn't be hard.