National Save Vaping Day is October 7th! - Northland Vapor Company

WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

National Save Vaping Day is October 7th!

October 02, 2019

National Save Vaping Day is October 7th!

A pretty nifty website has been put together by the American Vaping Association which some easy links to contact your representatives either by phone or email, as well as some testimonials and some random links to various other medias. 

I'll save you the time by providing you the link right here; and a little summary of what they are asking.  It looks like they are asking vape shops, online retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and apparently anyone who even looks at eLiquids to donate some to all of their profits for the day to the American Vaping Association and the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association.

It also looks like the people who put together the site are asking vapers in the United States to support small vape businesses around the United States on October 7th by shopping at businesses participating in National Save Vaping Day.  I don't know how they are going to do that in say, Massachusetts, where everything is already banned and shut down, but I'm not going to mock what clearly seems to be a good faith effort to save this crazy vape world from the even crazier anti-vape people. 

Another handy resource listed on their site and something we've frequently linked to before is the find your representatives email and phone number page over at, which you can find conveniently by clicking this link here. Make sure to tell your representatives exactly what you want them to know about your concerns regarding vaping!

There is also a page to the white house phone numbers where you can directly voice your concern at 202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111.  According to the site you should call and when they ask where to direct your call, simply tell them that flavored vapor products saved your life; and, "We Vape, We Vote!" as well as whatever else might be on your mind.  Keep in mind to be polite, be brief, and say thank you.  They probably get all kinds of calls and there's no reason to harass the probably unpaid intern over this, just make sure the call is logged so the impact is made.

Other than that, sit tight and keep fighting the good fight.  Eventually this is all going to come to a head and there's no way a massive black market is going to work out well for anybody should the federal government go full silly and invoke a nationwide ban.  Best we can do is keep in touch with our representatives and hope that sensible regulation and or legislation comes out of this raging dumpster fire in the middle of a media circus maelstrom that's currently happening. 

We are also matching all donations in kind, up to $5,000, and offering a 20% discount on all eLiquid with even just a $1 donation! Just click this link!

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