of vaping eLiquids and their general effects, one thing seems certainly settled: vaping is much better for your teeth than smoking. That's right, vaping will not yellow your teeth like combustible smokes will, at least that's what's been observed so far.
According to the latest research, vapor from eLiquids and heat-not-burn tobacco products cause minimal staining compared to the established yellowing effects of smoking cigarettes. This particular study was done by scientists from British American Tobacco (BAT), and published in the American Journal of Dentistry. You'd never think to check for health effects outside of the normal realms of what we usually look at when making comparisons between combustibles and vapor.
Yet that's exactly what the researchers at BAT did. They compared vapor from an eLiquid vaping device, BAT’s glo - a Heat Not Burn device, and a combustible cigarette. “The data generated from this study clearly shows that the e-cigarette and HNB products assessed caused minimal discoloration” said Annette Dalrymple, a senior scientist at BAT research and development.
The testing was done on enamel blocks cut from the teeth of cattle. The blocks were incubated with saliva for 14 days to form a layer of protective protein film called pellicle that normally builds up on teeth. The teeth were then exposed to vapor (or smoke) equivalent to a pack a day of cigarettes for five days. The enamel color was assessed before, during and after the testing. Color readings were done by trained scientists in an independent laboratory, using a spectrophotometer. The blocks exposed to cigarette smoke were noticeably stained after as little as one day, and the stain increased with daily exposure.
The enamel exposed to vapor from an eLiquid vapor device, and a HNB product showed little or no staining, remarkably comparable to control enamel that had not been exposed to any vapor or smoke.
“Many studies have postulated that it is the tar in cigarette smoke that stains teeth,” said Dalrymple. “We now have a method where we can rapidly assess in the laboratory the level of enamel discoloration by cigarette smoke and vapor” Aside from all the questions the weirdness of where and how they acquired teeth from cattle, this study seems to confirm the anecdotal evidence vapers have been talking about for years now. What have you noticed in your mouth from switching from smokes to vapes?