Today we happily announce the acquisition of Northland Vapor and are fully transitioning over to South Island Smokes branding and labeling. We tried to fight the good fight in the war against combustible smoking by offering fine quality premium eLiquids and unfortunately big tobacco just came around and started signing checks to each one of our employees and they all left. I'm the only person left so I decided to sell the company and all of the intellectual property to a relatively unknown company; South Island Smokes.
If you'll pay close attention to the date, this is a truly historic moment as you've just been pranked and also happy April Fools day! Northland Vapor Company isn't going anywhere soon and we're still here to fight that good fight against big tobacco and the ills of smoking. Now that we've got all that fooling around out of our system, today we're sharing 80veliquid's Myth VS Facts about vaping list they recently posted to Reddit and on their website.
MYTH: Vaping is just as harmful as smoking
FACT: "Vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking"
MYTH: Vaping doesn't help people quit smoking
FACT: "E-cigarettes were more effective for smoking cessation than nicotine-replacement therapy, when both products were accompanied by behavioral support."
MYTH: We don't know what it will do to your lungs!
FACT: "In a small sample of young-adult never-smoking, daily EC users who were carefully followed for approximately 3½ years, we found no decrements in spirometric indices, development of respiratory symptoms, changes in markers of lung inflammation in exhaled air or findings of early lung damage on HRCT, when compared with a carefully matched group of never-smoking non-EC users. Even the heaviest EC users failed to exhibit any evidence of emerging lung injury as reflected in these physiologic, clinical or inflammatory measures. Moreover, no changes were noted in blood pressure or heart rate. Since the EC users who we studied were never smokers, potential confounding by inhalation of combustion products of tobacco were obviated."
MYTH: Flavors are to entice children
FACT: "Adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA who have completely switched from smoking cigarettes to using e-cigarettes are increasingly likely to have initiated e-cigarette use with non-tobacco flavors and to have transitioned from tobacco to non-tobacco flavors over time. Restricting access to non-tobacco e-cigarette flavors may discourage smokers from attempting to switch to e-cigarettes."
MYTH: Vaping impedes smoking cessation
FACT: "The substantial increase in e-cigarette use among US adult smokers was associated with a statistically significant increase in the smoking cessation rate at the population level. These findings need to be weighed carefully in regulatory policy making regarding e-cigarettes and in planning tobacco control interventions."
MYTH: Electronic cigarettes contain formaldehyde
FACT: "The high levels of formaldehyde emissions that were reported in a previous study were caused by unrealistic use conditions that create the unpleasant taste of dry puffs to e-cigarette users and are thus avoided."
MYTH: Vaping is a gateway to smoking
FACT: "Prospective studies – the only evidence that e-cigarette use might lead to smoking – do not yet persuade
that e-cigarettes are a substantial causal gateway to cigarettes. At best, they support that a minority of the relatively small number of e-cigarette triers – who haven’t also been experimenting with other tobacco products already – will go on to some experimentation with cigarettes."
MYTH: Switching to vaping doesn't improve health of former smokers
FACT: "Given that many COPD patients continue smoking despite their symptoms, the electronic cigarette could be an effective and safe alternative to the tobacco cigarettes also in this vulnerable population."
MYTH: Vaping causes popcorn lung
FACT: "In conclusion, the article is creating false impressions and exaggerates the potential risk from diacetyl and acetyl propionyl exposure through e-cigarettes. They failed to mention that these chemicals are present in tobacco cigarette smoke and violated a classical toxicological principle that the amount determines the toxicity and the risk."
MYTH: Vaping contains toxic metals
FACT: "The results of our risk assessment analysis clearly show that exposure to metals from e-cigarettes is not expected to be of significant health concern for smokers who switch to e-cigarette use. "
MYTH: Northland is selling out to South Island Smokes
FACT: We are not, you were just mildly pranked!
What other kinds of myths are out in the public these days? Did you witness any good pranks this April Fools? Let us know in the comments!
April 01, 2019
For a split, SPLIT SECOND, I thought this was real. Then I remembered what day it was. Didn’t even need to read the bottom, you guys are too good to be selling out to another! :D