Big Tobacco is trying to come after the vape industry out of greed. We are edging out their customers by helping people quit smoking by allowing them to choose a healthier alternative. They are targeting the vape industry by trying to run all the small businesses to the ground through buy-outs and lawsuits. They can't accept that their product has reached the decline stage in its life cycle. They have tons of money from years of dominating the industry by exploiting consumer health and lobbying for congressional approval of their illegitimate research on vape products. They are fully aware of how harmful their products are.
We are currently in litigation with Big Tobacco. We won't be silenced! We want to fight for our right to provide vape products and we hope you will help!
If you wish to donate, we will be completely transparent in where we use the money which will primarily be used for legal fees. If none or only a partial amount of the funds are used, we will give half of the donations to SFATA and the other half to CASAA to continue to support the vape industry!
Check out our GoFundMe account here.
Read more:
In-depth History of Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco Is Bad For Free Enterprise
#vapingsaveslives #abillionlives #FBT #fuckbigtobacco #kickash #notblowingsmoke #vapecommunity #vapenation #vapeadvocacy #vapefamily #vapelove